About Us
The Bee Spot
We are a small, family-run business located in the rural community of Tamworth, Ontario. We started beekeeping as a hobby almost 10 years ago that slowly transitioned into business.
Once we moved to Tamworth to set up our apiary, pollinator health was a top priority. With that goal in mind, we planted twenty five acres of native and non-invasive perennials flowers to create a perfect environment for our bees. Drawing a variety of other pollinators including butterflies, leaf cutter and bumble bees as well.

We started selling honey and candles at local markets and wound up answering lots of questions about bees and pollinators. This ignited our passion for sharing knowledge about bee health and more.
As a result, in 2018, farm tours (bee experiences) were a natural addition to our journey. The AirBnB experiences platform was a perfect fit to connect with travellers to the area and to drive interest in our community and county with a unique up close and personal introduction to bees and to learn about overall pollinator health

Ever Expanding
2023 was a big year for us. We expanded our farmgate in early June into a building by retrofitting our barn, adding bee equipment to our shelves while providing a classroom environment for the tours and beekeeping courses. Offering beekeepers, new and experienced, in the area a more local option for all their equipment needs. As well as providing information resources with a goal to grow to the extent where The Bee Spot is a one stop for bee needs.
In early July we received our certification to sell bees and started selling queens.
Our sights and excitement are focused on 2024, with NUCs offering in the early spring then queens and full hives later in the year. We hope to continue to expand the store to meet all seasonal requirements beekeepers have from building up livestock in the early spring to processing in early fall and preparing bees for winter months.